Removed two Mentat database entries: "Sardaukar" and "Frigate" (the corresponding image of the Frigate had also been removed from the files of the US patched version it is still present in the Eurpoean releases). Removed several animation frames of the Heavy Factory, Repair Facility and High-Tech Factory. The Fremen colour scheme has been made a bit brighter. Added two more player ranks ("Chief Warlord" and "Emperor") to the scoring system. The wormsign is now announced for the Atreides player (in v1.0, the wormsign would only be announced if the owner of the sandworm was not Fremen, presumably because the Atreides and the Fremen are allied). Pressing the "H" key no longer orders a combat unit to retreat. Pressing the "G" key now orders a combat unit to guard. Pressing the "A" key no longer can be used to issue a "Harvest" order to a Harvester.
Most unit orders can now be correctly issued from keyboard by pressing the first letter of the corresponding order's name. The "Repair" button on the sidebar now starts flashing red when a building is below 50% its original HP (in v1.0, the button always flashes red regardless of the damage). Fremen units and Sandworms are no longer ignored by turrets. The number of units a Sandworm will swallow before disappearing reduced from 4 to 3. The maximum number of Sandworms that can be present on the map at a time reduced from 3 to 2. Troopers and Launchers are now able to fire at air units. Ornithopter hit points increased from 10 to 25. The maximum number of saboteurs that can be present on the map at any given time reduced from 3 to 2. The saboteur is now visible to the player.
The player can now build concrete slabs and wall segments even if the building-per-map limit is reached (in v1.0, no construction whatsoever is possible if the building limit is reached, although concrete slabs and walls are actually not affected by it).
The maximum overall number of buildings that can be present on the map reduced from 81 to 80.The AI now rebuilds destroyed structures more actively and frequently.Fixed some minor errors in briefing texts.The corners of the map are no longer revealed from shroud at the beginning of the mission.Fixed a broken frame in the Gun Turret animation.Fixed a small graphical glitch on the Atreides Mentat screen.Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Carryalls that drop scripted reinforcements to get stuck at the border of the map.The numbers of units in stock at the Starport that are defined in each mission are now used correctly (there were some problems with it in v1.0).Fixed the "Frigate arrival in T-0" Starport bug.
The list is probably not complete though, as it is based mostly on observation. Since there seems to be no detailed list of changes introduced by the official v1.07 patch for Dune II, I decided to compile one myself.